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When it comes to sustainable jewelry, there are many things we look for – Who makes it? What is it made from? Can you wear the piece for years to come? Transparency within the supply chain is so important to us. We want to make sure the person creating the jewelry is treated fairly.

What Sustainable Materials Should Jewelry Brands Use?

There are also several materials we like to look for, like recycled metals and lab-grown gems. We have enough gold and silver circulating on this planet to be able to reuse and not mine for more, and these brands are taking advantage of that! Also, the mining of precious gems is full of unethical practices, so sustainable brands are starting to create their gems in labs, reuse old gems or work with Fair mined sourcing (as well as other sustainable certifications).

What they have to say is correct, but why does jewelry have to be metal and gem based? With so many other materials already out there and destined for landfill.

Yes I guess I have my own agenda. I use recycled plastics, nylon mesh tubing, egg shells, tyvek and paper. Yes I use metal findings. There is nothing wrong with recycled metals and lab-grown gems but there has to be more.

Jewelry from non metal materials is long lasting, lightweight and easy to wear and makes a statement. It can be so versatile. It gives items such as cutlery a new life.

Check my other pages Egg Shells Jewelry, flower brooches, hats with style and others

Below are examples of nylon mesh transformed to beautiful pieces to wear and be noticed. Followed by recycled cutlery.